CALL US: 218-739-3383
Companion Animal Hospital

405 Western Avenue
Fergus Falls Minnesota

Create a Pet First Aid Kit
A first-aid kit is important not only in the event of a natural disaster, but any time a pet is far away from immediate help – for example when the family takes the pet camping or on vacation out of the area.
Your Kit Should Contain:
Absorbent gauze pads
Adhesive tape
Cotton balls or swabs
Fresh 3% hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting (always check with veterinarian or animal poison control expert before giving to your pet)
Ice pack
Disposable gloves
Scissors with blunt end
First Aid antibiotic ointment
Oral syringe or turkey baster
Liquid dishwashing detergent (for bathing)
Small flashlight
Alcohol wipes
Styptic powder
Saline eye solution
Artificial tear gel
Phone number, clinic name, address of your veterinarian as well as local veterinary emergency clinics.
Make sure to check your pack every few months to make sure nothing has expired or needs to be replaced. And of course keep your kit out of the reach of children.